Saturday, August 30, 2008

Planning For Puasa

Some thought that you can save more money during fasting month. But this is proven wrong if there is no dicipline in urself. The urge to spend is greater especially when u go to bazaar Ramadan. As the dusk arrive, your will get more hungry thus making ur 'nafsu makan' go higher.

Tips to save during fasting month:-

1. Don't go to bazaar Ramadan, instead you cook for yourself. This alone can save you about RM 100-200 ringgit during this month depending on your family size.
2. If you still want to go to the bazaar, bring just enough money to buy what you only need. You don't need to buy more than 2 type of dishes.
3. My friend favorite method to save money is by eating at the mosque or surau.LOL

Thats the only tips that I can think of right now, if you have ideas, you can share it by commenting this post.